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Message from the Board

Greetings LVE Community,
As always, we hope everyone is safe and doing well.

The Executive Board wants to invite the Lakeview Estates Community to a short open meeting and small Holiday Gathering at the clubhouse on December 8th, from 2pm to about 6pm (if everyone is having a good time, we can stay later). There will be a short meeting along with light refreshments, some snacky snacks, and certainly many good conversations, and some can make new connections. 

Everyone in the community is invited including co-owners and those who rent/lease or live here. You are all part of our great community. We want everyone in the LVE community to feel they are welcome, be part of something great, and have at least one more event to go to this holiday season. 

The board continues to get projects completed, work on more, and plan for future projects. In 2025 we will have more things happening as we move forward and onward in our community. 

Thank you,
LVE Executive Board

Letter from the Board

A letter was posted on FaceBook and also posted in front of the dumpster corrals announcing the decision to bring back Debi Micallef and Independent Property Management to provide services for the Lakeview Estates Community!

The Board conducted a through, transparent process which included sending out a list of questions to each company who indicated interest; invited four companies who responded to the questions to make a presentation to the community at an open meeting; requested and welcomed co-owner feedback; requested reference letters from the two companies remaining after this process; and then conducted several discussions among themselves to come to this important decision. In the end, the Board decided that IPM was the best choice for the community and have signed a one-year contract.

The letter to the community can be found here for your review.

Email Usage Resolution

In 2016, a personal and private email list provided only to Debi Micallef, Lakeview’s Property Manager that was specifically designated for Association business purposes only, mistakenly became public in the course of an important email communication to the community. Unfortunately, this honest mistake allowed a couple members of the community to save that email list in 2016.  As a result, three years later, the unauthorized use of this personal and private email list (and containing the names of persons who no longer even live in the community) was used in the summer of 2019 to promote the personal views of individuals regarding Association issues.

In response to the unauthorized usage of this private email list, a Resolution was created by the Association attorney, discussed in depth at the Executive Board Meeting on August 20, 2019 and approved by a majority of 4 affirmative votes and one abstention. 

The overall framework of the Resolution denies “access to co-owners to the email addresses and phone numbers of co-owners at Lakeview Estates that have been complied by the Associations’ managing agent…”

The signed, notarized entire Email Resolution can be viewed and printed for your records here

The Board of Directors respectfully requests the full cooperation of everyone to abide by the restrictions outlined in the Resolution and to refrain from any further use of the old email list.